Sometimes it feels that not much is happening, but still there is a lot going on. Just on a small scale. I'm preparing to travel, and trying to finish up (or start) a few things before I go. It seems that I always have fiber-project deadlines in the days before any trip.
There is quilting in progress, a quick stitching up for a new small person I will meet.
And there is spinning, or more accurately, plying, of handspun cotton with handspun silk, then with itself, then cabled with the first 2-ply. Making a yarn strong enough to incorporate with some cotton/acrylic for a WIP.
Also in the middle of transforming handspun into a very warm scarf/cowl. But this does not need to be finished this week, so it's resting in a basket.
Then there's the random casting on, unrelated to anything that Needs to Be Done.
I love this stage of a toe-up sock. Like a little talisman on three needles, it holds so much potential - and it grows so fast at this stage, with all the anticipation of a new beginning. It's good to have socks on the needles again.